"It's not you, it's me.."
So you want to break up with us? That's ok, we just want you to be happy after all, we will always remember the time we had together. 🥲
You can follow the instructions below to cancel your WeTransfer subscription.
Don't worry, it's an easy process. All you need to do is go to your 'Plan and Payment' settings by clicking your Workspace name > Account > Plan and payment > Manage plan. There you can simply hit 'Cancel subscription'.
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like, for good measure:
Please note, that when your paid WeTransfer subscription plan runs out, your existing files will stay online for a maximum of 28 days. That should give you plenty of time to renew your subscription if you need to. Once those 28 days are up, the files will be deleted. Remember, once your transfers are deleted, there's no way for us to get them back.
If you would like to keep your account and files active, make sure you renew your subscription in time.
NB: If you have a paid WeTransfer subscription, it is not currently possible to downgrade from it to any other subscription. To do this, you must first cancel your paid WeTransfer subscription and then upgrade back to your desired paid WeTransfer subscription from your free account after your previous paid subscription plan has expired.