With a free WeTransfer account you can send 10 transfers (or up to 3GB worth) every 30 days. All transfers sent via a free account can be kept active for 3 to 7 days. Below is a list of further features included in your free account:
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Portals and reviews
You will have access to create unlimited portals and reviews, our tool that allows you to upload creative work and invite clients to give clear and contextual feedback. You can read more about portals here.
Request and receive files
You can request files from anyone by a simple email or link! You can read more on this feature here.
Paid transfers
You can now set a price to your transfer and get paid for your work, with no platform fees! You can read more about paid transfers here.
Delete transfers
After signing up, you can manage all new outgoing transfers in your "Sent" overview and delete any transfers you've made, whether by mistake or just because you can. Note: once you've deleted it, it's gone for good and there's no going back. More on this here.
Send to up to 10 recipients
That's right, with a WeTransfer Account you can send an email transfer to up to 10 different email recipients versus the standard free offer which limits you to 3 recipients per transfer. More on this here.
Transfer overview
In your transfer overview, you’ll find the transfers (and their links) that you’ve sent. Aside from deleting them, you can also see how long they will remain available for download, preview the files that are uploaded in the transfer and keep track of how many times the transfer has been downloaded. Here you can adjust the expiry date of your transfer from 3 days to 7 days.
Manage contacts
You can add contacts to your account for quick access. When a recipient is in your contact list, adding them to your transfer is just a click away. More information on how to manage your contacts is available in here.
Password protected transfers
Protect your transfer with a password for that extra layer of security. More on this feature here.
Download our WeTransfer mobile app
With our iOS & Android WeTransfer app you can send and receive transfers directly from your phone. You can also delete any transfers you've mistakenly sent at the touch of a button from within your account. Please note you must have a WeTransfer account in order to use our apps.