So you want to link others to your WeTransfer page by including a dedicated button on your website so they can easily send you files? Well, now you can! Directing people to your WeTransfer page combined with verifying the email address registered to your WeTransfer account, will allow for the transfer process to become even easier for your clients, potential clients, friends, family members, that one dude in the office you're not a huge fan of... anyone, really!
The code below is what you can use to embed into your own website so you can send people to your WeTransfer page:
<iframe src="" width="WIDTH" height="50" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Let's say, for example, you are linking to this account:
An example of this would be:
<iframe src="" width="WIDTH" height="50" frameborder="0"></iframe>
You just need to copy the profile name but not the full page URL.
There are four variables that you can include in this snippet of code to edit the functionality of your WeTransfer button:
Language: This can be one of 'en', 'nl', 'fr', 'es', 'de', 'pt' or 'it' and the button will be generated in that specific language. With ‘en’ corresponding to English, ‘nl’ to Dutch, ‘fr’ to French, ‘es’ to Spanish, ‘de’ to German, ‘pt’ to Portuguese and ‘it’ to Italian. Just replace Language in the snippet of code with the correct language.
Page Name: You just replace PAGE_NAME with your very own page name (your subdomain) and this will ensure the button directs to your WeTransfer page.
Width: The width must be 275 for specific languages. They are: en, fr, es, pt, it. For 'nl' the width must be 280 and finally for 'de' the width must be 290.
With these variables edited to fit your needs, you will be ready to copy and paste this iframe code into your own website. The button will appear as below.
Also keep in mind the height and width are important as the button does not automatically scale, so to ensure the button fits correctly, leave the height and width as is.
Now you have a quick and easy way for people to visit your WeTransfer page without just following a very unexciting URL!
Happy Transferring!