Portals allow you to streamline the reviewing process and give you an easy, seamless way of sharing your content and receiving feedback. The amount of portals you can create depends on you as there are no limits for all users; you can enjoy Portals as long as you have a WeTransfer account.
↳ A portal page with reviews
Creating a portal
First things first, open up Reviews from the top navigation menu on wetransfer.com.
↳ Create a new portal by clicking the ✚ button
Once you've landed on the Reviews home page, click on the (+) symbol next to Reviews to create a new portal, or click on an empty slot with the (+) symbol to create a new portal.
- Give your portal a name and click to continue.
- Add a logo for this client or project portal. The logo has to be under 1 megabyte in size. You can add a description underneath your portal title too.
Now you've created your new portal, you can start creating your first review. Just click (+) symbol on any of the boxes below or click create review at the top right-hand of the page to get started with your review.
- Ready to share your portal? Click Copy link at the top of the page and your portal link is automatically copied to your clipboard. Learn more about sharing.
- You can also secure your portal with a master passphrase via the Manage Portal button in the top right corner of your portal.
↳ Portals homepage view when over your portal limit
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