One of the keys to keeping creative projects on track is timely feedback. Now you can set a due date for feedback actions for any of your review.
Setting a due date
Make your deadline clear by setting an (optional) due date.
In the review editor click 'Add due date' and select your date from the calendar, then click 'Set due date'. Assigned reviewers receive an automatic reminder by email.
Email reminders to complete the review will be sent 24 hours before the set due date. All original review confirmation emails will include the due date.
Due date notification emails will only be sent to assigned reviewers.
Changing the due date
You can always change the due date of a published review to give your clients more/less time. Simply click on 'edit' at the top right corner of your review and follow the steps in the image above to change the date. Anyone assigned to the review will get an updated email confirmation of this date change.