Only if you give us your explicit permission.
Why would you look at my files?
We’re always looking for ways to improve the WeTransfer platform, which we can do by better understanding our customers’ behaviors and needs. In order to unlock these valuable insights, we’re asking your permission to look at the kind of content you’re transferring.
What do you do with my files/data after you’ve accessed them?
The team will periodically review a selection of transfers to identify interesting trends and insights that we can use to develop a product strategy that’s directly in sync with your needs.
Beyond that, your transferred content remains entirely your own: we never sell or share your data, and everything stays securely within WeTransfer.
The only time we might interfere with what you’re sending is if your content is in conflict with our Terms of Service or our Content Moderation policy, at which point we’ll take the necessary next steps.
How do I give or revoke permission?
We require explicit consent, meaning that unless you give your permission, we won’t look at your files.
To give permission, you can select ‘I agree’ on the relevant pop-up. You can also give or revoke permission in the Profile and security page of your Settings, under Data Processing. If you revoke your permission, we will no longer access any past or future transfers.