Just like with our transfer service, reviews have storage limits within our WeTransfer plans. Our free plan comes with a storage limit of 3 GB.
You will be able to upload files to your reviews until you have reached the storage limit. All files in (published and draft) reviews are counted towards your storage. Once over this limit, you must upgrade your plan in order to upload more files, whether that be in an existing review or creating a new review.
How can I check my storage?
Our Free plan allows you to access your storage quota via the menu bar on the homepage, as shown in the image there ->
This storage bar will show you what storage you've got left and you will also have the option here to upgrade by clicking the yellow Upgrade button.
💡Tip: Below each review in your homepage, you can see the size of your review. This will help you manage your storage.
What happens if i'm near my storage limit?
Once you near your storage limit, a banner will appear at the top of your screen informing you of what storage you have remaining, as shown here ->
To free up some storage, you would need to delete files within your reviews or delete some of your reviews.
Can I be over my storage limit?
It is possible to be over your storage limit if you've downgraded your plan. This means you have exceeded the allocated storage limit of your new plan. Most features will be locked, and a warning banner will be presented as seen over here ->
To use reviews again, you will either have to upgrade your plan, delete portals or delete some reviews to get back into your plans limit.
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