First thing's first: if you've noticed something suspicious in your email inbox, do not click on any links in that email, or reply to it. Contact our Support team with a screenshot of the suspicious email in question, and we'd be more than happy to have a look for you.
If you notice that you're getting confirmation emails for an email address that is similar to yours, or if you've received an unexpected transfer, the answer to the mystery may be more innocent than a phishing email or spam.
The way Gmail works is that you have one account which can be linked to several variants of the same email address.
For example 'johnsmith' is the actual account holder but if somebody was to enter the email address with the . in any other place, then these would still direct to the inbox of
The sender of the transfer may have accidentally typed a variant of your own email address instead of their own. Perhaps their email was but missed typing in the '42' bit, and now you received the transfer instead!
There is little we can do to prevent this as we do not have knowledge if someone might have entered a typo but if you let our support team know, we can look into this for you!
You can read more about this in a dedicated Gmail article.
Keep in mind, this does not mean they are transferring your files or have any access to your email account.