Did you know you can preview your files before downloading them?
If the transfer you've received has 1,000 files or less within it, you'll get a chance to spy with your lil' eye before you click that shiny blue 'Download' button.
We started developing our preview functionality because we are all about keeping you in your flow. Sometimes a quick glance or listen is enough to approve the work of a colleague, send it back for revisions, or maybe you just need only a handful of the files downloaded to your device.
At the moment we support the following file types for previewing:
- .jpeg/.jpg (up to 15 megabyte per image)
- .png (up to 30 megabyte per image)
- .tiff/.tif (up to 100 megabyte per image)
- .psd (up to 100 megabyte per Photoshop document)
- .mp3
(Please note that visuals over 40 million pixels (e.g. 6000w x 8000h) are not supported. Also, if the files have been uploaded in a folder, you will not be able to preview these.)
Oh, and as usual, all transfers are processed automatically and only when you request a preview. That means we are not viewing, probing or analysing any of your files while we process them for you. Only the people you share the link with will have access to them. Your grid preview will be shown if your transfer has at least one previewable file.